Deliveries 9.6 for iOS Deliveries helps you keep track of all your packages, so you always know when they’re going to arrive….
Why does double-clicking a delivery no longer work?
If a
badge appears next to the item name, there are multiple packages. You can select the delivery to see all of the packages in the detail view, and you can also change which one is shown in the list.Previously you could double-click an item to show the next package. In order to do this we had to add a delay after any single click, and we realized the app felt much faster without it.
Here’s how to change which package is shown in the list, in Deliveries 9.0 or later:
- Click the badge.
- Hold the control key on your keyboard and click on a delivery (or right-click on a delivery). Choose “Show Package”, then choose the package you want to show.
- Select a delivery to show the detail view, then click a package name.
Deliveries 9.6 for Mac Deliveries helps you keep track of all your packages, so you always know when they’re going to arrive….
Add to Deliveries 1.3 Browser Extension This browser extension will allow you to quickly add a tracking number to Deliveries using Google Chrome,…