iPhone and iPad. Deliveries will help you track packages from USPS, DHL, and many more. You can track orders from Amazon, Apple, and others before they even ship. Your full tracking details are just a tap away, and you can also see your package on a map. Learn more »

Mac. Deliveries helps you keep track of all your packages from USPS, DHL, and many more. You can track orders from Amazon and Apple before they even ship. Includes a Today widget for Notification Center, an “Add to Deliveries” extension, and more. Learn more »

Mac, Browser Extensions. This extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge will help you quickly add new shipments to Deliveries. Learn more »

Mac, Automator Actions. These Automator actions are designed to take some of the tedium out of your work. Includes: Save for Web, Make Names Web-Friendly, Create Clean Archive, Create Symbolic Link, and Hide or Show Extensions. Learn more »

iPhone and iPad. Notefile lets you make quick notes and view them quickly, from anywhere. It’s a universal app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. You can sync notes between all your iOS devices, as well as with our free Dashboard widget for Mac. Learn more »

Mac. Notefile lets you make quick notes and view them quickly, from anywhere. It syncs with our iOS app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, using iCloud or our own Junecloud sync. Learn more »