About Us
Junecloud is a small software development company in the Metro Detroit area of Michigan. We create software for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and the web.
Junecloud was founded in August 2008 by Mike Piontek. Mike has been designing and making software for over 25 years. His first usable app was a game was called “Beaver Pelt Man”, created entirely in HyperCard. He grew up playing Zork and Space Quest, and admiring the work of Vaughn Oliver and Susan Kare. His career has followed a winding path through graphic design, web development, and eventually building apps with the reveal of the iPhone App Store in 2008.
If you have any comments or questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you like you can also keep in touch on Twitter or Facebook, or you can subscribe to this site with RSS.
About the Site
The illustrations on these pages were drawn by Holly Tickner. You can buy a shirt with the airplane on it.
This site was created with Junecode, our own content management and web log system. The HTML and CSS were hand coded in BBEdit. Most graphics were created in Photoshop and Sketch. Files were uploaded with Transmit to our web host, Rackspace. Everything here was created on Apple computers running macOS.
Contact us
Email us here. Support for our apps is only available over email. If you need our phone number or postal address for anything else, just ask.
Press materials are available here, including logos, icons and screenshots of our main apps, and press releases. Let us know if there’s anything else you need.